Policies and Agreement

In order to be fully informed about the ministry you will be receiving, please read through the following Spiritual Direction Agreement. Your consent to the Spiritual Direction Agreement will be required at the first session.

Description of Spiritual Direction

San Diego Spiritual Direction’s approach to spiritual direction is to help you discern and respond to God’s presence and activity in your life in order to promote spiritual growth, emotional well- being, healthy relationships, and effectiveness in ministry, work, and leadership. It is wholistic in that we engage both the study of theology and psychology. This form of care includes activities like listening with empathy, appreciating God’s grace, prayer, guidance for improving your life and relationships, coaching, and offering recommended readings and exercises. Although our spiritual directors are guided by a Christian worldview, your spiritual director will be sensitive to your religious and cultural differences and perspectives.

Spiritual Direction Fees

Fees will be established on a per session rate or a pre-set multiple-session rate.

Spiritual Direction is not psychotherapy

Although San Diego Spiritual Direction’s approach to spiritual direction is informed by psychology your spiritual director is not offering therapy services and is not treating a psychological disorder. You will not receive a psychological diagnosis, assessment, treatment plan, or crisis intervention. Also you will not be able to bill for reimbursement for spiritual direction from your health insurance. If you need psychological care or treatment please ask for a referral for psychotherapy or psychiatric care.

Multiple Roles

Your spiritual director may relate with you in additional ministry roles like pastor, coach, teacher, retreat leader, small group leader, or consultant. Always what is most important is that your welfare is protected and that you have complete freedom of choice in whether or not you engage your spiritual director and what role and context that engagement occurs in. If you feel uncomfortable with any interaction with your spiritual director it’s important that you discuss that with your spiritual director.


To release information about you without your consent would violate commonly accepted codes of spiritual direction ethics. There are situations, however, in which we are required by law to reveal information without your consent. These situations are those that arise by operation of law and are beyond our control. This includes if a child or elder has been abused (sexual, physical, or emotional abuse, or physical neglect), you represent a life- threatening danger to yourself or another person, or a court requires disclosure of your records. Additionally, your spiritual director may seek advice about helping you from another spiritual director or minister (who is also ethically bound to keep confidentiality) and will make every effort to avoid revealing your identity. And your appointment scheduling, payments, and communications you send through our website are shared with the administrative staff.

Virtual Communication

San Diego Spiritual Direction' will make reasonable efforts to protect your confidentiality in all virtual communications, including email, phone, video (e.g., Zoom), and private messaging on social media. Please be advised that virtual communication is a not a guaranteed safe means to transmit confidential information, whether orally, visually, or in writing. By signing this consent form and engaging your spiritual director in any form of virtual communication you agree to accept the risks that your confidentiality may be compromised.

Indemnification/Hold Harmless

As a client in spiritual direction you shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless San Diego Spiritual Direction from and against any and all liability, loss, expense (including reasonable attorneys’ fees), or claims for injury or damage arising out of the performance of this agreement.


The standard appointment time is 45 minutes and is normally conducted on Zoom or at a mutually agreed upon physical location. Normally appointments are monthly. If you would like more time please discuss this with your spiritual director. Please arrive on time, because if you are late you will likely miss receiving that portion of the session.

Cancellation Policy

If you need to cancel a session we request that you notify your spiritual director at least 24- hours before the session. Failure to do so may result in charges for the missed appointment. This charge should be paid before or at the time of your next appointment to continue in the spiritual direction relationship. Exceptions are for sudden illnesses and emergencies only.

Contacting Your Spiritual Director

For scheduling or canceling your appointments, contact your spiritual director directly through their phone number or email.


At any time you or your spiritual director may decide it is best not to continue the spiritual direction relationship and meetings. In these situations it’s best if the two of you are able to talk about this change during a meeting to discuss how it feels for you, what you sense God may want for you, and what’s best for your spiritual growth. You can ask for a referral to another spiritual director or to a therapist or other helping professional.

Client Electronic Signature

This is the entire Spiritual Direction Agreement between the parties and cannot be changed except in writing by both parties. Filling out your name and information below will act as your signature and indicates that you have read this agreement and agree to its terms.